Romans 1:12 "that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me."
How true this is.
If you have ever received bad news… you know… the kind that takes your breath away. Not the kind that completely devastates you, but rather just takes a few minutes to get your conscious mind around it. In my case, today, it is an event that is on one hand an answer to prayer, so I do not want to go to God ungrateful, and on the other hand, NOT the way I had wanted Him to answer. I am not quite sure how to handle it; how to manage my way through the season ahead; how to handle it with grace, bringing honor to our Lord, while my heart breaks at the same time. How do I give Him the glory He so richly deserves… and yet question why this is how He would answer our prayers.
How do we do it? We can do it because in those times in life, when our breath is not readily available, our Lord breathes for us. He breathes into us through His Word. He breathes into us through His grace. He breathes into us through our faith. He breathes into us through His love, and sometimes, He makes His love manifest to us through those around us.
My Godly, gracious, caring, sisters, who are filled with the Spirit, consumed by the Word, and acting under the Holy guidance of Christ. Sharing what God has done in their lives. Calling because God led them to. Sending emails that pricked their hearts and so they were compelled to share them with others. In all these ways, God helps those who have momentarily gasped for breath to breathe easy as His presence is found when they cry out to Him. Found, “as iron sharpens iron” and our faith encourages each other to stand firm in the faith of Jesus Christ, His love, His goodness, and His perfect Will.
Thank you for allowing God to breathe for me through you.
What a beautiful post! I recently read a devotional that said "Instead of trying to fit this day into a preconceived mold, relax and be on the lookout for what I am doing."-- From Jesus Calling. What a comfort to know that through our days, and our trials, our moment by moment, God is there working and doing.