Monday, December 21, 2009

The Purpose of Christmas

Luke 2:8-14 and Luke 2:25-32

Have you lost the wonder of the meaning of Christmas?  Have you let what God did for you through sending His Son to earth grow stale? No?  Really?  When was the last time the thought of the baby in the manger brought you to tears? When was the last time you stopped to ask if there was "no room in the inn" of your own heart? When was the last time you were overcome with worship as Simeon who when realizing who the babe was, had lived all of life he could ever want.  Let your celebration of Christmas this year be filled and overflowing with the same awe and wonder these people felt.  Experience the joy Christ offers in the young voices of your children's choir at church.  Pause and consider not only the cradle, but also the cross and the CROWN! 

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"

1 comment:

  1. As a child I never understood Christmas, I only seen it as getting presents, I am sure a lot of Children,and adults still see it that away.
    But we must all REALLY ,and need to know that it is not about gifts,not about cooking up a fancy meal,and have a lot of people over to basically show off.
    It is about one thing,and ONE Person.
    Jesus Christ.
